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You are reading:   When And How To Replace i-mop Squeegee Rubbers

02 February 2022

2min read time

Brooke Payne

When And How To Replace i-mop Squeegee Rubbers


The i-mop deck
Three Key Points To Look For
  • Are the rubbers wavy?
  • Is the squeegee rubber torn?
  • Has the rubber lost its square edge?

There are a few things that indicate that squeegee rubbers need to be replaced, such as waviness, a torn rubber, and the rubber losing its square edge.

Both the front (leading edge closest to the brushes) and the rear (closest to the rear of the i-mop) squeegee rubbers are important; however, having the rear rubber in good condition is the most critical.

There are a range of things you can check to improve the suction of your i-mop floor scrubber , one of which is checking and possibly replacing or rotating the squeegee rubbers. There are three key points to look for to determine when and how to replace your i-mop rubbers. Watch the below video to know when and how to replace i-mop squeegee rubbers.

Are the rubbers wavy?

If your floor scrubber squeegee rubbers have gone wavy like the ones in the picture below they will need to be replaced. Note: This is also a good indicator that you should change to the oil resistant Primothane squeegee rubbers, as these will give much better life in oily environments which cause your rubbers to go wavy like this. The standard i-mop squeegee rubbers are the Red Linatex rubbers, which are not well suited to oily environments.

View our i-mop xl Accessories Guide for the product codes for the replacement squeegee rubbers.

Are the rubbers wavy

Is the squeegee rubber torn?

Hey, it's not all bad. If you have torn your i-mop squeegee rubber, you may not need to replace it. The i-mop squeegee rubbers are designed to be able to be flipped and rotated, giving you a fresh side and fresh leading edge. The red Linatex rubbers can be flipped/rotated up to 4 times, and the blue Primothane squeegee rubbers can be flipped/rotated 4 times for the rear rubber, and once for the front rubber. Bearing in mind, of course, that a tear may render both the front and back sides useless.

Read: 4 Common problems with the i-mop and how to avoid them.

Is the squeegee rubber torn?

Has the rubber lost its square edge?

Check to see if the squeegee rubber has lost the square edge. Having a nice sharp square leading edge to your floor scrubber squeegee rubber it important to give you the best possible suction. The below image shows a cutaway of the various stages of squeegee wear.

Has the rubber lost it's square edge?

Read how to improve floor scrubbing suction.


The good news is that replacing your floor scrubber squeegee rubbers is not particularly hard and you can do it yourself!

Interested in an i-mop demo? Book one here .

Common Questions Answered

1. How often should you change the squeegee on a floor scrubber?

Answer: The squeegee should be inspected regularly, and it's generally recommended to change it every 100-150 hours of use or when you notice decreased performance, such as streaking or inadequate water pickup.

2. What are the signs that a floor scrubber squeegee needs to be replaced?

Answer: Signs include visible wear or damage, tearing of the rubber, reduced water pickup efficiency, and leaving streaks or puddles behind after cleaning.

3. How do you properly maintain a floor scrubber squeegee?

Answer: Proper maintenance includes regular cleaning of the squeegee after each use, checking for wear and tear, and adjusting its angle to ensure optimal contact with the floor for effective water pickup.


CleanLink – Floor Scrubber Maintenance

Facility Cleaning Decisions – Tips for Floor Scrubber Maintenance

CMM – Understanding Your Floor Scrubber's Squeegee